AGP #Wooden Bowls

Was impressed with a recent build from a Facebook site, which featured a Wooden Bowl build very similar to the one on the far left of this lot, they been have stashed away and neglected in the shed for a few years now, so finally dug them out today, they were all purchased in the early days of my ongoing CBG addiction!, when I couldn’t walk past a Charity Shop, or walk out without buying something, like these lovely Bowls, which ranged in price from $2.50 to $4, don’t know which one to use first, or start the whole lot together.PS; Uncle John, do you have any Build Stop left in your Pawn Shop, I think I’m in need of a 44 Gallon Drum of the stuff! :-D
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  • Your spot on Dave!, there is no remedy for the CBG building addiction, I thought I would slow down after build #400, but as you say, the urge returned stronger than ever.  ;-D

  • Don’t rely on Build Stop. It works for a while, but the building urge comes back stronger than before. COVID might be the only way to stop. But then there’s harps and lutes to make in Heaven. ...
  • "Thanks Keith", did use a similar Camphor Wood bowl to the one your referring to, a few years back, for a  5 String Banjo, as per the pic!, not sure if any of these will end up as a Banjer, probably just 3 String CBG type builds of some sort. :-)


  • AGP, those are all some beautiful bowls. The second one would make a very nice banjo, just saying, but the others would too. Doesn't need to be a 5 string one either. But will sure be watching and liking, what ever you build with them.

  • "Thanks UJ", good word Plethora, but don't try and pronounce it after a few Beers, and cancel the Build Stop, I've given up all hope of ever stopping to build Gits, however!, I am running out of places to put them, will either have to use that dirty word Cull, or build another Shed, will probably go with the latter option :-D 

  • "Thanks Denbo",started with the one on the far left yesterday, listed here as Acacia, but after giving it a bit of a dust off, discovered a little mark on the bottom, which read "Rose Wood", a timber I've never worked with before, it's definitely much harder than Acacia. :-D  

  • Some wonderful finds and Dennis gives us the word for the day.

    Dave, I am taking Build Stop at high doses. Dennis did a cull of instruments and I need to do the same and quit building for a while. I say that and mean that, but at the same time, I have one started hoping it will be a good Christmas gift.
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