AGP's Cigar Box Nation Problem

Thanks Pick, CBN & Bernie Edwards for the Clear the Cache/Cookies suggestions, It's something I have done, (and still do! very regularly!), for as long as I can remember, just went through the process again, but!, alas, still no luck.This Pic is something that pops up quite often when I go to the CBN site, I don't think it effects the problems I'm having at the moment, with viewing Pics etc., as it has come up lots of times when I wasn't having these current problems. :-)
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  • No! 'UJ", things are not working any better yet, everything's still the same!, interesting to note that that fellow Aussie CBN Member Taffy Evans, who lives in the same State as me, but a bit further North, has been, and still is having the same problems, might be just an Aussie thing! ???? :-(
  • Did you get things working better?
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