AGP #486 - ''HG 1''

AGP: #486 – “HG 1”Scale: 25½ inches3 String Fretless Hubcap GuitarStrings : .040NW .028NW .020NWTunings : A D G & G D gThe Hubcap is from a 1970 Holden HG, the Back Plate a Stainless Steel Cheese Serving Plate I Picked for $1 at a local Charity Shop, the Neck is merbau, the Fretboard is Radiata Pine, both coated Clear Acrylic Gloss, a 8.5k Single Coil Alnico Pickup is wired through Vol & Tone Pot’s to the Output Jack. :-)
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  • "Thanks UJ", not sure whether your comment is about the Git or the Git Builder ? ;-D

  • "Thanks T-Gripped", just about to post the last of the 4 I built at the same time, which is very similar to this one,  and I'm eagerly awaiting for you to get off your bum and build one, they're well worth the effort :-) 

  • Good looker!

  • Bud, you've got this hubcap thing down!!  Keep up the great work!

    I'm still stewing on an initial attempt. 

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