AGP #475 - ''Smoky''

AGP #475 – “Smoky”3 String Fretless Recycled Relict Strat Type GuitarStrings: .042NW .028NW .019NWTuned: A E aHave used a few Preloaded Pickguards on Builds over the years, but usually in scaled down Strat versions, and DIY Timber Boxes etc, so the Body on this one is as close as I could get it to a full size Stratocaster, but went with a shorter scale, just for something different.The Middle section of the Body and the Neck is recycled solid Radiata Pine, the Body Sides are an unknown recycled Hardwood, the finished builds weighs in at 4kg (8lb-13oz), which is slightly heavier than an American Built Strat.All Timber was given a tickle up with the Propane Gas Torch, and then given 3 coats of Shellac.A cheap Ebay ($21.23 AUD) Preloaded Strat Type Pickguard supplies the Noise when Amped up, which is surprisingly good, considering the 3 Ceramic Pups, read only 4.4k on my Multimeter when in the open positions, and 2.2k when Bridge & Middle are combined, and the same when Middle & Neck are combined, but!, each of the 5 different settings definitely have their own voice. :-)
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  • "Thanks UJ", Bad Ass, and!, Cheap Ass, my favourite type of build. :-D 

  • "Thanks Doug", I love the Gas Torch, it's one of my favourite tools, will try and get a sound sample up soon, with the onset of Spring and a bit of warm weather and rain, I have had to attend to some of the more mundane things in life, like Mowing Lawns & Weeding Gardens etc :-D

  • Bad Ass good, AGP.

  • Feelin’ the heat on this one Alan! Burn baby burn. Good lookin’ slider. When do we hear it?

  • "Thanx Papa D", nearly all my builds have some type of recycled timber in them. :-) 

  • Love it, recycled wood at it's best.. Nice work

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