AGP #447 - ''Thirdgo''

AGP #447 - “Thirdgo”3 String Fretless Baritone GuitarScale: 27 inchesStrings: .042NW/.028NW/.019NW/Tuned: G D gAs the name suggests, I had three goes at doing something with this Ebay Wine Carry Box, the first attempt was an Indigenous Australian Dot Art design, but after getting half way through doing a couple of thousand dot’s, decided I wasn’t happy with the way it was looking, so took the sander to it, and removed them all, next attempt was an Indigenous Australian Flag design, using cans of spray paint, that turned out to be a disastrous mess, so out come the Turps and Acetone etc., along with some heavy sanding, to create a new, but relict type canvas to work on, the Neck is recycled Spotted Gum, which was given a tickle with the Blow Torch, the Box was given a coat of a Light Brown Stain, and it along with Neck was then coated with Tung Oil.An 11.6k Humbucker is wired through Vol & Tone Pots to the Output Jack and grounded to the underside of the Hardtail Bridge. :-)
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  • Mistake? No. Trial and error more likely.

  • "Thanks Keith", Yes!, I'm pretty sure that sometimes the Build tells you what it wants to be, and I 'm a big believer in the "Kiss" principle, and this is not the first build I've done, where the final outcome, has come from making mistakes along the way! :-)

  • "Thanks Bob", Yep!, I think "Thirdgo" was the right choice of a name, I did think of a few others, but probably would have got booted off the CBN site for using foul language!, the 350 x 190 x 90mm Light Pine Box are available on Ebay, and this is the sixth build I've done using them, and still have one left, and Yes!, the 11.6k Humbucker does make a noise, both Dirty and Clean, try and get a Sound Sample up later today. :-)

  • "Thanks UJ", neglected to take any pics of the first 2 versions, but in my opinion version 3 is definitely the better looker, sometimes the "Kiss" principle turns out o be the right one, but as stated before somewhere, in reference to your Brick House build, I too, discovered a small problem with the Output Jack not working, it was a faulty solder connection to the Earth Lug, easy fix!, and like your Brick Build, decided against Sound Holes, as it sounds just fine without them, will do a quick Sound Sample sometime later today. :-)

  • Third time is the charm. The build was trying to tell you what it wanted. Keep it simple, it must have been saying.

  • Really like that big box AGP! Love the name - "Thirdgo" it has a story behind it.  Your persistence is admirable... well worth all that effort.  This build is about the journey as much as the completed instrument.  Should kick out some noise with that pup!

  • I'll take door number 3, please. I like big boxes and love long scales for slide.  Good organic look to it.   Me likes.   I even like the hard tail.  Looks just right here.   And the wood tones.  I probably liked versions 1 and 2, but 3 shines bright.

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