AGP #304 - ''Als Gal'' (2)

AGP #304 - ''Als Gal'' (2)
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  • Too late to stop Capt Bones, have already completed AGP #305 (yet to be posted)  :-D

  • "Thanks Andy", not sure about the skills comment, there's quite a few "Faux Pas" in this build when one has a close look!  :-D

  • "Thanks Erasmo", the Tin Flattener Machine works well, but is definitely a little noisy!, and "Salute to Al's Gal and Yourself Erasmo"  :-)

  • "Thanks Uncle John", sound holes weren't as hard to do as I first thought, used my Dremel Rotary Tool with a metal blade, a few overcuts, which I don't think you can see in the pics, at the time of doing the Neck it was going to a 4 stringer, but as previously stated a 4 and 6 sting builds are on the Bucket List, don't know if this one qualifies for the Tin Can Contest, however since this build have also just finished a Can Build (soon to be posted)  :-)  

  • "Thanks Dave" for the positive remarks!  :-)

  • yep UJ hit the nail on the head .... you can stop building now you have reached the peak . outstanding procedure Alfa ......
  • Amazing work!  The jellies of your skills!

  • For my taste, this is the build of the year.  And it only took you 303 previous tries!

  • Yup.  Just those sound holes must have taken a huge amount of time.  Nice head stock and fret board and room for a fourth string should you ever want it.  Pretty cool  and simple string tree too.

    Is this for the contest?  Who knows how they would judge something this far away from other tin builds.  I declare it a huge winner and would not care about any contest.

  • WOWoW, looks great! I think it's a Gitty Winner!
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