My first build !

My first build, so proud :-)

Came out real nice !

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    • Thank you ! Next one is on the bench as we speak ;-)


  • Impressive for a first build Coone!!! Well done. Not surprised you had to improvise along the way, that is often how it goes (at least for me!). It's all a part of the CBG building experience.

    • Thanks ! I'm real happy with it. Allready started on the next one. I'm building the neck myself this time, see how that comes out. Planning on making it a 3-string with build in 9v amp and maybe some kind of slide pocket so that it will be ready to take along :-)

  • Terrific initial build!

    • Thanks! Sounds real good too and so fun to play !

  • Tell us about the construction of this cbg?

    • Not much to tell really tongue-out. It's a cheap box from amazon. I bought the neck there too for a low price. I wanted my first build to be at least good enough to play so I didn't take the risk of making the neck myself. I did shape the headstock though and had to lenghten the neck inside the box. As for the reason of playability I wanted a trussrod and a fixed bridge, the intonation needed to be spot on. But of course I messed up the placing of the bridge so I had to move it again afterwards. It's a 25 1/2 scale. Pickup also came from amazon. Tuners from an old Wasburn 12 string I have lying around, so I got 8 more tuners left for the next builds haha ! Soundholes come from sink strainers. Tuning is GDGB. Oh and everything is bold on, nothing was glued. I baptised her Miss Molly (she sure likes to ball...). I took her on stage last weekend for the first time and we had a blast ! Oh and I had to make her a good (but cheap) case of course 13463715088?profile=RESIZE_930x13463715292?profile=RESIZE_930x

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