#35 Monopoly lunchbox full

15" tin-tar, .032/.024/.014 strings, dulcimer fretting
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  • That one was just bought by a dad for his kid for xmas. The kid could NOT put it down. I love that. I think it only sounded okay, but the funky factor makes up a bit for that. (The dad left it with me, I have to rendez-vous with him in the school parking lot this week for the handoff.)
  • great build. that tin looks so cool as a tin-tar.
  • Nope - craft grade acrylic paint rubbed on with a rag over a finger. Little bit of paint, lots of rubbing. If you get a heavy area, moisten your rag the littlest bit and rub, rub, rub. Cheap, easy and comes in 1000s of colors. You can sand off some of the finish here and there for that lived-in look.

    I overcoated with some oak stain to mellow it out.
  • Diane,great build,,,, as usual!
    Is that food coloring your using there for stain?
  • What, no cash under Free Parking!!! Awesome, creative, and a one of a kind build! Well done.
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