That's 1 alright rodney , but I did a lot of thinkin' as I went due to the box being double thick ply (top & bottom) and having rounded ends and no fingerjoints on the corners . I glued in the neck & put 2 screws in it (under the label) as I didn't trust just the veneer on the ply .
Basically 9x7x2 juju . OK box but put corner blocks inside (4 top 4 bottom) to beef up the glued buttjoints . Buddy who plays lapsteel sounds great on it . With me it sounds like a dog with his leg caught in a barbed wire fence ........ 8^D
# 2's in me head .... but the "hickup" winder is next .
woohoo ! very cool - looks real nice , superb first build - nice box it's similar to the Mayorga box's i use what size is it ?
i would think build #2 is on the drawing board as i write ! lol!
Basically 9x7x2 juju . OK box but put corner blocks inside (4 top 4 bottom) to beef up the glued buttjoints . Buddy who plays lapsteel sounds great on it . With me it sounds like a dog with his leg caught in a barbed wire fence ........ 8^D
# 2's in me head .... but the "hickup" winder is next .
i would think build #2 is on the drawing board as i write ! lol!
Yep , Bluesheart , that was the inside sticker (most of it) . Camacho box .
Basically like a regular nut , Paul , just black plexiglass and taller .
Had to take the head down a little thinner for the Uke tuners .