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  • Nice work Casey and welcome aboard!

  • I like my Gitty fret template. Has changed my life. I’m finally able right away to know where the bridge will be on the box or license plate. And my frets are parallel! 

  • I like the blue box and the overall look.  Good fret jobs are hard to achieve.  It's usually best to go fretless for a couple of builds.  Nice head stock!   Try this playing lesson:  knotlenny's CBG 101.  You can find it at page top under resources / how to play or google it.  Good wishes.

  • My first build. I'm pretty happy I'm starting to learn to play a little. I do have to say I fretted this with finishing nails and a tape measure in the pickup while I was at work. The frets are pretty good except 2 and 3 the rest I think sound pretty good. It was fun and I'll do another shortly and get fret templates this time.
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