I built this dulcimer some time back and it is pretty good as a strum stick. But I thought to myself, "Self, if you had frets on the two big strings where they would be on a standard guitar - you could do your blues stuff and your strum stick stuff."I am pretty sure somebody did this before me. But it sure gives me a more versatile instrument for the way I play.PLUS, a lot of you think I am a half-assed builder. See? I am a 2/3 assed builder/
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I do??? Wait....who said that???
Thanks, Bruce. Works well too. Pat, you seem to do it far more than you realize!
That is innovative!
There you go talking to yerself again John, Linda musta been at work?
Good idea, I like it!
I need to start talking to myself more!
Thanks to all for the esteem building comments.
Sweet!, "Ya always thinking UJ"
Nice Uncle John. I've never tried short frets. Clean Job! And you've got a big rump, not a half ass.