15degree angle glue challenge

It always has to be a first time, I´ve been told.
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  • I am impressed Jon good thinking!!! A very nice box.Great idea.
    Tenkte kanskje at det kan være lurt at vi prøver å komunisere litt på engelsk så andre kan ta litt del i hva vi preekær om,selv om engelsken min ikke er helt god.
    Har kjempetru på ditt prosjekt.Skal følge med på det.Stå på.
  • First I make a pencil line or two that goes through both pieces so I have the alignment locked in. Apply glue to both surfaces. Put some wax paper on the table.

    I clamp both pieces to the table so the pencil lines match up, and then clamp the joint. No sliding that way.
  • bluesheart the best way is to jig it so it cannot move or you can put inner pins that don't show when yer done. nice looking beginning jon.
  • How does one ever get that glued and clamped?
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