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  • Gary,  Great!  Glad it works and sounds good for you. 

    I I just finished a pie pan six string conversion about an hour ago.  I'll be posting some pics in a few minutes.  I posted some pics of a tin can two stringer earlier today.

    Take care and hope you're having a great weekend.

  • Thanks JP, used some heavier strings on this one and gives it a more mellow tone that I really like. Great job on the cone, I think you should make a few more!

  • Thanks LBL, gotta give credit to JP Swensen for the hand hammered cone. I believe it adds to the rustic feel and sounds pretty good as well.

  • Thanks for the heads up Gary!  Kinda fun seeing my creation going to good use!  I'm probably a tiny bit biased but I think my hammered reso looks great on your git!!!  ;-}}   How does it sound?  Nice and tinny I hope!

  • nice work gary.

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