
playing with black and white on an old photo.
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  • Ya, been leaking since 1937,,,,,

  • Dave, I pump and pump.  Must be a slow leak.

  • Lot's of mojo there Uncle. You could use a little air though...
  • Thanks for the kind words.  But no, AGP!

  • Love the black and white idea! are these two builds named after their owner????????

  • On the Road again! Best from Willie Nelson and Me

  • Don't know, Patrick.  Similar vintage old truck.  Sits on 59 S of the high school.

  • Nice John! Guitar is a 1930, what year is the car?

  • Thanks, Pick.  That git later got a mag pup and is one of my top few faves.  

  • nice  backdrops  ..     nice  guits  ;-)

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