smojo's Discussions (19)

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Stomp box

Got a cool looking old wooden box and attempted to make it into a stompbox. I experimented with a piezo taped underneath the top and amped it up. Sounded crap. Just a short hard tapping sound. I'm wondering how I can get it to sound deeper and with s

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Calling all Brits - introduce yourself here.

Hi all. Thought it would be nice to check in here if you're British. I know there's quite afew CBGers in the UK now because I've had quite a few emails from my blog. Time to come out of the woodwork and introduce yourself. How long have you been into

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Show us your 'Made in the UK' Brit-boxes

Let's see a photo or two of your latest 'Made in the UK' creations - guitars, amplifiers, stomp boxes, videos or whatever - finished or 'work in progress'. Nice to see what we've achieved here so far without having to search through all the other p

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Shipping abroad from UK

Has anyone shipped guitars abroad please? What courier service did you use or can recommend or avoid. Can't make any sense of my little PO leaftlet on parcels of that size.

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metal bodied guitars and magnetic pickups

I bought a nasty looking guitar in a charity shop and thinking of chopping the body down to a rectangle and cladding it with rusty metal, copper etc to make a steampunk guitar. Question is, will the metal affect the magnetic pickups? Can't see why it

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Attaching necks

Just about to start a couple of ukes but not built any before. Made plenty of through neck cbgs but don't want to use that method for a uke. Wondering what's the best way to attach the neck to the box but still keeping the woodworking simple. What ot

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Sell Buy Swap

Thought it might be useful for us to have a place to put our For Sale/Wanted/Swap stuff. It doesn't have to be specifically a cbg but obviously we don't want to swamp it with stuff we could sell at car boot sales. So best keep it to music and and cbg

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beer bottle caps

I once saw someone with a stick loosely covered in beer bottle caps that rattled when they banged it on the floor. I'm thinking of building a stomp box and want to include something that gives a loud rattle when I stomp my foot. Wondering how I could

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UK gigs, clubs, tv programs etc

I thought I'd start a place where we could post about any CBG or blues related events here in the UK. To let each other know of anything coming up or just tell us about something you've seen that we might be interested in. Any regular clubs, odd gigs

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Gear and Gizmos

So what piece of gear or gizmo have you got or would like to compliment your guitar playing/building/recording etc that you think we might want to check out?

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drum/bass rhythm machine

Hi folks, got some cash to spend and wanting some kind of drum and bass rhythm machine that I can jam/practice guitar with and looking for your suggestions. Basically I only play guitar/CBG at home and want something that is fairly easy to use. I don

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UK CBG event 2009

OK guys shall we post anyhting to do with a UK event this year in this discussion thread so we can easily find it? Chickenbone John has started the ball rolling with his offer of hosting a one day event in Birmingham. Let us know if you are up for it

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Seasick Steve

I got into CBGs before I heard of Steve but love his stuff now. I saw him on Jools Holland's New Year shows a couple of times and it blew me away. Just got tickets to see him at Leeds on Jan 27th. Anyone been to his live shows yet?

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Ted, I like the look of your stonehenge pups and being an (ex) telecoms engineer would love to have a go at making my own for my three stringers. Can you give me some basics like what type of magnets, wire guage and how many turns needed. I appreciat

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config/settings problems

Hi, got a couple of problems I can't figure, maybe you have sussed it and can let me know how. Trying to add one of my images as background to mypage. When I try it on the header/footer and sides I can only get it to appear at the top. I've tried us

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