Tom Baugues's Discussions (9)

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Sound holes

I have kind of been dragging my feet on my latest three string build. So when I came home tonight I wanted to get it finished up so I put the tuners on and wrapped some strings on only to realize that I completely forgot to cut any sound holes into t

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Confused about open "G" tuning

I have built two 3 string guitars so far. Gathering parts and working on my third currently. I know that these CBG's can be tuned many different ways. When building my first two I remember reading that "open G" was a good place to start so I ordered

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Question about scale length

Working on my third build. First two had a 24.5" scale. Have my neck all cut and shaped and fitted to the box and ready to lay out my fret marks when I realized I must have cut the slot to fit the nut in the wrong place. To use a 24.5" scale would pl

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Using very old boxes

I have this very old box. Not sure what it dates back to but it advertises cigars for 5 cents. Anyway...there is some structural issues however I hope to have found a way around them. The wood is very dry and in fact the lid has some splintering alon

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String vibration at nut

I have finished my second CBG and it just does not have as good of sound as my first. One of the problems is I hear some string vibration at the nut. Im concerned that I do not have as much back angle on the strings to the tuning pegs. How would I fi

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