


Sonora, CA

Where to start?

Ok, I've been building a while but never really took the time to write a song or music for it. Just wondering where to start and if anyone can guide me along the way. I don't expect anything less than a simple thrown together song. Any help would be…

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What area are you from?

hello all. my name is Dave Schmittle, Stogie Guitars. I've been building since 2008. as of late I have'nt built more than a couple a year. (I have 4 kids, no real time) but I make time when I can. I was just wondering what area you guys are from?…

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Group song?

This is to everyone.Has the group tried to wriite a song as a group? Vote on a title, speed of the song etc. Have a couple members work on a part and a couple others work on another part etc, until we get a finished song. Then have someone play it,…

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