Austin, TX
December 8
I broke the blade off a shovel recently and was going to toss the whole thing out, but I realized that the handle is actually a pretty nice piece of wood and would make an interesting CBG neck. This is more of a woodworking question, but: If I…
Read more…I've fallen down a bit of a rabbit hole! I've been thinking of ways to get a powered fret-slot cutting system going, both for speed and consistency of depth. I'm not quite ready to invest in the StewMac table saw blade, especially since I'd prefer…
Read more…I've got some lovely wood I'm using for some CBG necks and I'm looking at what to use as a finish. I've been using Tung oil on my past builds and have really liked the deep, hard finish it creates - but DANG it takes a long time to dry and with…
Read more…I've been thinking about doing a double-course canjo; any suggestions on what strings I should use? Most obvious would be a regular guitar's low- and high-E, but I'm wondering if the can will hold up to those. Anyone done this before, have any…
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