



Rainier, WA


May 29

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  • Let me see if I can answer some of your questions. First the pick up was not hard. It only involves a little soldering and a youtube video will teach you all you need to know. I do not do it often only because I like the acoustic sound. An amp and pedal turns these things into just another guitar for me. If I want it to sound like an electric 6 string I will just play my electric 6 string. It is the simple sound of only 3 strings that moves me. I like a minimalist approach like the blues men of old. Anyway it will not be hard to do if you so choose. The piezo disk pick up described in the plans section is very simple. Second. I have had some success building and selling. I do not build with sale in mind. I just always have a few extra laying around and if someone sees them and wants them then I let it go. If you want to sell look into craft fairs and local folk festivals and such. The price is the thing. I find that if you have a few simple diddly bows you can sell cheaply, like 25 dollars it tends to draw in the curious. I usually do not sell for much more than what I have into them in parts. %0 to 75 dollars a guitar still puts me way ahead and most people can afford them that way. My lack of money growing up is what led me to build my first ones anyway and I am pretty adament about putting an affordable instrument into the hands of people who want to play but can not afford to. Hope this helps, ask any other questions you would like and I will try to answer.....matt

  • Thanks for the friend request Sachi!

  • Hey there partner. I was reading your post about first builds and I have some advice. Your goal as a new builder with limited wood working expierience should be a playable fun sounding instrument. Some of us will never have the tools or the skills to build like some of the pros up here. That is not a bad thing. Cigar box guitars were made to be simple. The basic plans here will get you a really fine sounding guitar. I myself have almost no tools or room to work. I use a coping saw and an old drill and that is about it. I use tooth picks and finishing nails for frets. I do not add a fretboard but fret right on to the meck itself. These things are all a part of the older tradition of these guitars anyway. Do not get me wrong, I would love to be able to build like many of these guys, but until that day comes I still am able to make a nice counding guitar or uke or dulcimer or cookie tin banjo. All I am saying is the only way to do this is to DO it. I suggest you get some wood and a box and start your builds. You will get a lot of good answers here and great help along the way. Do not let the more seasoned builds you see make you feel intimidated about building. Just do ot and you will begin a whole new phase in your creative life. I have a few pictures of my builds on my page go take a look at them. Nothing special but they sound pretty good if I do say so myself. I hope this is encouraging, I mean it to be. It really is just a stick through a box....E mail me with any questions you have.....matt

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