



Alamogrodo, New Mexico


June 8

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  • Thank you Kevin for your question. I think you will get a better response if you post your question on the main page as a discussion. I personally find that a shorter 22" scale works best when using tunings like GDG because the reaches between notes for two note doublestops are closer together. Sorry I could not be of better technical help. Enjoy. 
  • Thank you Kevin for your question. The possibilities are endless! Basically "form follows function" If you know how you want your CBG to function (ex: play in the key of G) then you string and tune to meet that form. Considering to make a chord, all you need is 3 tones from the major scale (tones; 1,3,5 / G,B,D), this can be accomplished in many ways. DGB, GBD, BGD...etc. Or you can use just a fragment of a chord (ex: GDG / 151). 

    I like using standard strings ADG, so I can tune GDG, ADF#, and ADF. This arrangment seems to be very functional for me. Using a combination of my knowledge of music theory and my ear, I have explored the fingerboard and figured out how to arrange songs. The movable chord method taught on CD 6, works out real well. Enjoy.       

  • Thank you Kevin for your purchase. Fortunately, each lesson is short and to the point (about 10 minutes). Watch one and slowly practice the information, when you have some free time to relax and play your guitar. Slow and steady wins the race. Proceeding like this over time, you will be amazed at the progress you will make in the long run. Most of all, Enjoy your practice.    
  • Thank you Kevin for your purchase. What I would encourage you to understand is the usefulness of open tuning.

    Spanish Tuning (Key of G)

    6 string: DGDgbd

    5 string: gDgbd (banjo)

    4 string: Dgbd (tenor, uke, mandolin)

    3 string: GDg or gbd

    2 string: GD or Gb

    1 string: G

    Once you realize the relationships between the strings, your knowledge can be easily applied. Enjoy your practice.   

  • Hello Kevin,

    Open G is DGDgbd low to high. I simply use capitol letters to express the larger wound bass strings. There are never any stupid questions. Always feel free to ask if it  helps to clearify your practice. Thank you for your interest. Enjoy. 

  • Thank you Kevin for joining my group. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or if I can be any assistance. Enjoy.  
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