



Myrtle Beach, SC


December 26

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  • Hey Brian, Happy Birthday and Happy Hoildays.
  • thanks im glad you picked up a couple notes from me thats cool .db.
  • Hi, thanks for the comment on my vid : -)
  • thanks, man-- i had respect for your work before all this cause you have a good eye for proportion in an instrument build,and you have cool visions in creativity, now i have respect for you as a person that i can talk to. thanks once more for that.
  • apology accepted--its all in the past and now i can laugh about it man but it did cross me wrong at first.i just felt like it was disrespectful wording and thats all. a lot of folks look at the things i do here cause i do a lot in the building area and i mostly do it so folks can see these things i guess, so i saw what you said as disrespectful to those folks too. we can let the past be in the past--thanks for having the consideration to let me know you were sorry about it. take care, you have some cool builds i have noticed and a good sense of humor. like the balancing trick for the pirate build.hope it sells well --i did noticed you have a bid on it all ready.
  • nevermind i took care of that issue.
  • it would be cool if you could remove that comment from the coircidin slide video because i find it kinda offensive---if you can not remove it i will talk to someone that can. but besides all that the headstock is supposed to be similar to a stratocaster in its looks,instead of just a square type.
  • You are very welcome.
  • Hey BigB, love your builds, very nice, great ideas, and great job. Thanks for sharing your pics with us.
  • Thanks for having a gander at my guitar.
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