
  • Have you looked at one of the older Boss single pedal units like a DD-3 or DD-5? They're from an earlier generation of delays. If you're determined on something more sophisticated then the Akai Headrush is supposed to be pretty useful and is priced somewhat lower than the RC-20xl.

    Soulcatcher & His DooFa Diddley said:
    Yeah i see where you are coming from regarding e-bay but the Boss RC-20xl lets you you loop live on stage kinda make your self a one man band, pop on you tube and have a look at at a guy called 2 Son of Dave " and you`ll understand what i want the deley loop for,,,,,, Cheers Soul

  • Yeah i see where you are coming from regarding e-bay but the Boss RC-20xl lets you you loop live on stage kinda make your self a one man band, pop on you tube and have a look at at a guy called 2 Son of Dave " and you`ll understand what i want the deley loop for,,,,,, Cheers Soul

    Mark aka. Junk Box Instruments said:
    Different delays for different purposes. What do you want to use it for?

    My main delay is an 20-year-old Boss RDD-10, which is a half-width rack unit. That's great for all kinds of effects but not good for long loops. My current solution for creating loops is to use Audacity (free recording software) on my PC. That's fine for my needs but I guess if you want something for gigging or for creating loops on-the-fly as you're playing then I can see why you might want a pedal. The only advice I can give is avoid the inflated prices that are always associated with buying new. Old Boss pedals seem to last forever so if you keep an eye on eBay you might find an earlier generation delay at a reasonable sum.
  • Different delays for different purposes. What do you want to use it for?

    My main delay is an 20-year-old Boss RDD-10, which is a half-width rack unit. That's great for all kinds of effects but not good for long loops. My current solution for creating loops is to use Audacity (free recording software) on my PC. That's fine for my needs but I guess if you want something for gigging or for creating loops on-the-fly as you're playing then I can see why you might want a pedal. The only advice I can give is avoid the inflated prices that are always associated with buying new. Old Boss pedals seem to last forever so if you keep an eye on eBay you might find an earlier generation delay at a reasonable sum.
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