It's "Finished"............

My first attempt at a CBG is finally up and running. It's got a piezo in at the mo' but there's a Juju special winging it's way to me for fitting next week. I'm chuffed to bits; think I'll be grinning for weeks to come...................

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  • Nice build. Looks tidy, hopefully I will be putting mine together shortly, the work is almost done.
  • Yep you do see the Partagas boxes on ebay from time to time but there usually the smaller ones which i have one of but had to buy mine from the USA i'm gonna make a diddley Bow from it very soon just made the pickup for it :-)

    haha ! the old Measure twice cut once syndrome - just put it down to a learning curve we all do it at some point just makes us think harder for next time - main thing is to enjoy what your doing it all becomes worth while when you get it strung up and give it a play

    i've learnt to measure the tuners that i'm going to be using for the build as there all different - infact of the six types i've used so far non have been the same - it's not quite as critical on a build with a angled headstock because the tuners are sat way lower down than a straight headstock design

    well you live and learn as they say !

    still a good build for a first though

    juju :-)
  • I'm pleased with it. I've already sussed where I can improve next time. I feel it's a bit like custom bikes; there's always a next time ;-) I cocked up the neck first time, a classic measure twice, cut once moment. I marked out the fret positions with the bridge in the right place then fitted them. I offered up the neck to the box and noticed I was losing the bottom four frets inside the box. No prob's I thought I'll just pull the neck further out the box. When I came to fit the bridge it was half way across the length of the box.....ooops! Should have stopped and thought why it was like it was originally rather than blindly changing it. Back out with the saw. Then I measured how far the tuners stuck through the neck on my old acoustic and fitted them to my CBG with the same amount of poke through. That meant when I strung it the strings missed the nut by a country mile.......ooops! I've had to make up little spacers to fit underneath the tuners to space them away, they look pretty cool but were a definite afterthought.
    Hey-ho, it still turned out ok, and that's the main thing. The only power tools were a soldering iron and a pistol drill, which was a challenge; since I haven't picked up a plane etc since I left school in the 70's.
    I just struck lucky with the box, it's a peach, I had no idea it was anything rare tho', that's the icing on the cake. I better be extra careful when I fit the Juju pick up in it :-)


  • Hey Tim Great looking build you did good mate - and where did you get that Pardagas box from there like rocking horse shit here in the UK :-)

    will post your pickup first thing wed special Delivery you will have it for or before 1:00pm thursday

    so i guess your buzzing with your new baby

    juju :-)
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