
  • Thanks smojo i understand now where im going wrong .....cheers
  • Mark, you're not alone, it's difficult at first. What you're probably doing is hitting the record button too early and stopping it too late thus leaving a short gap at the front and end of your piece which when joined up as a loop, gives this problem. Here's the method I use and with a bit of practice, it shouldn't be long before you get it pretty much right each time.

    Keep it simple and start with a regular rhythm of some sort and just aim for 2 or 4 bars of music. Try a simple slow downstrum. Do it for a while before even thinking about the loop. When you are happy you have it regular, figure on hitting the start button exactly the same time as you hit the strings for your downbeat. Keep your rhythm steady and after 2 or 4 bars of strumming, hit the stop button on the next downbeat (that will be 3rd or 5th). Try to hit it in a confident, positive way. At first it's a bit like rubbing your stomach and patting your head. You'll be too busy thinking about it all and get it wrong. Just keep trying it over and over and eventually it just comes naturally. As always, to get good at something, you just need to keep doing it. Hope this helps.
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