Birmingham Arts Fest....Want to play?

11th & 12th September in Birmingham. As well as the UK CGB Fest on 16th October, there's lots of other stuff happening in the Midlands. As a precursor to the CBG fest, I have secured 2 spots at the prestigious  Birmingham Arts Fest - it's a weekend-long, city-wide free festival of music, dance, film.

Your very own Hollowbelly will be performing at 6.15pm on the Saturday evening at the CBSO (City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra) if you are in the area...come along and say hello.  We are also hoping to have a stall on New Street to publicise the CBG do a bit of busking and generally have good time...I'm waiting to hear confirmation of this - we did it last year for the Crossroads Blues Club and it was great.

Anyhow..on the Sunday, at 1.00pm, there is another 1/2 hour spot going, and we need someone to fill it!  Anyone who fancies giving it a shot, please get in touch with me. It's outdoors in the main pedestrianised part of Brum right outside the tourist information centre, so it should be a good little spot. I won't be in town on Sunday (I'm in Leeds doing a guitar show), so whoever takes this on will need to be totally organised and capable of cutting the if you've got the bottle and ability to represent the Nation, lets hear from you! There's no money I'm afraid, just the fun of doing it. I'll check details for availability of power and a PA shortly...but in the meantime, shout up if you've got any questions.

And another event.... on Sunday 17th October, the afternoon after the CBG Fest at the same venue, I'm playing with my band ChickenboneBlues, together with quite a few other local performers...and its free!


Mr Chickenbone

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  • Oh blimey....definitely a touch of them old walking blues...put the word out for lifts, lets see if we can co-ordinate this thing generally in terms lifts and sharing accommodation -Roosterman has already sussed out a good deal at the local Premier Inn as long people will share a twin or family (three bed).

    Kevin Lawton said:
    Sorry I couldn't be there with you guys but I'm glad to hear it went well.
    I've had probs with my net connection recently - gee thanks BT - and missed a lot of stuff on The Nation.
    Had to sell my instruments for peanuts to raise some cash urgently too, but I still hope to make it to the fest in mid-October - - - even if I have to walk there !
  • Sorry I couldn't be there with you guys but I'm glad to hear it went well.
    I've had probs with my net connection recently - gee thanks BT - and missed a lot of stuff on The Nation.
    Had to sell my instruments for peanuts to raise some cash urgently too, but I still hope to make it to the fest in mid-October - - - even if I have to walk there !
  • Yes,

    I had a good day. As ever lots of interest from a small.enthusiastic crowd and I lot of questions about the guitars after the performance.

    Plus, I got to see the centre of Birmingham and to meet several cigar box nation members.
  • Hiya..sorry I wasn't there on the day, but thanks for coming along...hope you had a good day! We had great day on the Saturday, lots of interest busking on the street and a great evening performance at the CBSO centre by Hollowbelly.

    Yellowbelly Flatt said:
    Yes, unless I drop dead, I'm up for it. I look forward to further details.
  • Planning on dropping by to say Hi. I can even lend a hand if you need. see you later.
  • Yes, unless I drop dead, I'm up for it. I look forward to further details.
  • Hiya

    If you're still up for this I'll forward you the details for where the stall and the busking spot is.


    Yellowbelly Flatt said:
    I'd better bring my big battery operated cube amp then!

    As to the distance, I rarely get a weekend free as I work a really anti-social shift system, so It's nice to be able to visit an event whenever I can.

    Any suggestions on local parking?
  • I'd better bring my big battery operated cube amp then!

    As to the distance, I rarely get a weekend free as I work a really anti-social shift system, so It's nice to be able to visit an event whenever I can.

    Any suggestions on local parking?
  • Hi's all a bit chaotic at the moment for Sunday (as I'm going to be elsewhere). I've passed the stall onto my mate where we run the Crossroads Blues Club, so hopefully he'll be there during the day. As regards the performance spot, it's still free, BUT I'm doing a similar one on Saturday, and there's no amplification provided, and I'm not sure if it's possible to get some power.

    I'm sorry I haven't got back to you earlier, as things are pretty hectic at the mo....seems along way for you to trek over to step into the breach!

  • Planning to be there on Sunday

    ChickenboneJohn said:
    Birmingham Arts Fest update.

    For both days (11th & 12th September) I've managed to get a publicity stall ...BUT I'll need people to help out just being there..but it's great opportunity to meet up...and busk for the general public. We get a mini marquee, tables and I'll be bringing a little vocal PA and amps...if anyone is in the area and wants to drop in or help out over these two days, please let me know. I'm hoping to share the stall with The Crossroads Blues Club, so hopefully there will be a few more people to help out and jam with...if we are lucky with the weather it will be great fun.
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