Chordie and chords...

So I go to chordie and check out the chords for some songs. Now, here is where I have a question: It's listing  (boys of summer for instance) the chords it uses are D C and G. Now, I look at a chord chart for my (2,3,4 string) DAD tuned guitar. I see D's G's and C's in major, minor, open, etc. When chordie just lists the note without annotation for major, minor, etc. what is it getting it? And will it sound funky playing that note in my tuning? Because I gotta tell ya (and it might be my build) but when i hit anything past the 4th fret on my high 2 string it sounds naaaaaaasty.





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  • Yea, it was out. Sounds sooo much better now. I'm a little confused on the charts I see for the sus chords. I don't have near enough strings for it, and I have no idea how to transpose a SUS chord (since I'm not too sure what it is besides "suspended"...had fun playing around today though. Getting calloused!
  • I use Chordie a lot, and often its a case of playing something that sounds 'about' right based loosely around what it says you should be playing!

    Reason been is that with 3 strings, you occasionally are not able to play some essential notes in the chord - it may be that the string just isnt there, or that the note is impossible to reach.

    As with normal guitar though, there are many ways to play the same chord on a 3 string, so try the alternatives.

    Unless stated, you'll be playing the straight major chord. If its a minor, it will say so. Same for sus or 7ths or whatever.

    So for example, if it says D, it means D major. Dm would be D minor, D7 would be D + the seventh etc etc.

    Glad you got the sound sorted - I guess your intonation was out?

  • Allow me to answer part of my question: I fooled around with the angle of my bridge. The chords went from horrible to epic in just 1/8 of an inch. Just played along with Mr. Young on Cortez the Killer. First time I've played ANYTHING that sounded like it was supposed to, let alone alongside the real tune. CBG = FUN!!!
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