We wanna know who you are! Where ya from? What'cha buildin'? This is a place for new members to introduce themselves and old 'uns to show 'em around. I'm Shane & I run the Nation. I'm glad you're here. Come on in and tune up!

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  • Stan in Escondido. I tinkered with some banjo, violin and guitar repairs and setup details and found a nice cherry board in my rafters as I was recovering from a health adventure. In tribute to modern medicine, I'm in my shop with a scarfed neck and a new reason to re-enter my old cigar haunts. I bought an amp at Goodwill and anticipate loud noises. This replaces my Ducati addiction. I hope.
    • No one ever really recovers from a Ducati addiction ;)
    • Unless you get rich!!!
  • My name is Eric, I am from California north of SF not necessarily a hotbed of 3 strings. I have been building for 4 years, made about 50. Started out with scrape from work, move to scrape from lumber yards, now I get wood from a luthier his scrap. Today most of mine are all hardwood, love the contrast and the sound.I love to play them they are all different sizes and styles. I have moved back to cigar boxes for a change, there is a learning curve for every build, but I love the wood and the challenge. My playing is a work in progress, wish I could play better to high light my guitars. It is the journey, down the rabbit hole.
  • AJ, you can find build/play info over in the Resources tab of the page?
  • Hi all,

    Good to join CB Nation!

    I'm AJ. Living in Alberta, Canada. I'm an absolute beginner who joined CB Nation as I look to build my first project. I'm thinking of building a 4-string CBG or a banjo — but we'll see what I manage! Hoping to use this as an opportunity to also get back into playing music, as I've not played in many years. If you have any advice for somebody who's just starting out, and/or advice for somebody who's looking to use their first build to learn to play some Son House-like blues or Devil Make's Three bluegrass after years of amateurish, grunge-y bass playing, let me know!
  • Hello All I'm Michael Starnes and i'm new to building Cigar Box guitars, I live in Rogersville Tennessee, and I have built 4 Cigar box Guitars so far, So glad I found The CIGAR BOX NATION, I do have a question if someone could answer it for me I would appreciate it, I am currently working on a CBG and i'm trying to wire two Gitty Bucker surface mount pickups, one at bridge and one at the neck position with 1 tone pot and 1 volume pot with a 3 way switch if someone could point me in the right direction on how to wire all this you would be a lifesaver. Thank You and Glad to be apart of the Cigar Box Nation.
    • https://guitarelectronics.com/
      Guitar Electronics Parts & Wiring Diagrams | GuitarElectronics.com
      Huge selection of top brand guitar & bass electronics, pickups, parts & hardware. Plus hundreds of free guitar wiring diagrams.
    • The site has a “Search” box at the very top of the page, it yields plenty of cbg knowledge if asked? I would try that first, or just simply go to Seymour Duncan or Guitar Electronics website ?
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Better late than never...

After joining this forum in 2014, I finally have my 1st CBG which my wife bought for me at the weekend (a 4 string from Frethound Custom Guitars).  I was never going to get around to building one. Now to learn to use a slide.WhatsApp Image 2024-04-14 at 16.53.40.jpeg

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My 1st CGB

Just finished my 1st freeless acoustic CBG, based on the #Glenn Watt design. 31inch neck, 25inch scale, 42/32/24 gauge strings. Sycamore neck and a 200mm x 180mm x 45mm box made from 7mm ply. Neck finished with Osmo oil wax with fret marked on using pyrograph. 2 x 12mm sound holes. As you might notice it's a corrie-fisted one (left handed to those non-Scots!) Got it tuned now, just got to learn how to play it!!IMG_20240116_153022.jpg

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Hi, y'all.

Hi, I'm HazelFyrebird, and I'm a wannabe luthier (I feel like I'm standing up at a Builder's Anonymous meeting...) in Virginia.  I'm a bit of a lurker, as I've been reading and reading for a while, and this is my first post.  I'm a musical social butterfly: in addition to being a lifelong singer, I seem to collect instruments and play some, pretend to learn others, and "just gaze at the pretties" for still others.  I want to get back into playing fiddle, and money's tight, so here I am.  I plan…

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I Am Blaming All of You with YouTube Channels.

This is not so much of a reintroduction as a rebirth so to speak. I joined Cigar Box Nation many, many years ago when I initially developed an interest in more "primitive" instruments, CBGs, mountain dulcimers, diddly bows, canjos and "strumstick" type instruments. I am primarily a bass player but stringed instruments of all types hold a fascination for me. And then the injury happened. I sustained nerve damage in my left arm that would no longer allow me to fret anything. my had was useless. I…

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