
  • I wil give it a go...I will post it at my cigar box and three string guitar site
  • Wow!!very cool and sometimes amazing!
  • Good morning,
    Yes is a 12-bar:
    1 D
    2 D
    3 D
    4 D
    5 G
    6 G
    7 D
    8 D
    9 A
    10 G
    11 D
    12 D-A

    I mantain this structure for all the song but i have put a bridge to make a little break. Why? I don't know, my music knowledge is very basic, I listen my feellings, sometimes is good and others wrong....
  • railroaddon said:
    ok here's the G much better in G

    Cool sounds! Eneko, the form sounds like a 12-bar, but there is some sort of bridge in the middle. Can you describe what the changes are?
  • You are right! the G is allways better than C, everybody knows the "G spot" and nobody knows the "C" one. ;)

    Please, can you put the harp track without the backing track to mix it again without compression?

    tanks again....

    railroaddon said:
    ok here's the G much better in G
  • I like it though in C. If in G will be better, it will be amazing!!


    railroaddon said:
    ok I'll try it with a G harp ,this ones no good with a C its all wrong
  • The key is in D. I really want to listen the harp.

    thanks for your comment,

    railroaddon said:
    what key is this in,I was playing around with a C harp,I play cross harp ,nice backing track by the way
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