Let's give it a go.

Well, Sounds of the Nation asked me if I would record something for this project. I was highly flattered, but replied that I would record something once my local mini tour of village Halls and community centres was completed at the end of October. The Nation replied that one of the tracks that I had posted on mt home page would do so here goes. Details are a bit sketchy because it was an ad-lib recording that I did in order to test Audacity and see if I could post on the CBN. For the sake of a title I'll call it 'Yellowbelly's Blues'. It is, I think in C. It's a slow 12 bar that uses a middle 8/bridge that incorperates the chords of E and D (I think) and has several examples of turn arounds at the end. It's about 2 and a half minutes long. Good luck if you choose to become involved.

cbg slide.aup

cbg slide.mp3

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  • Hi there Charles.

    thanks for your comments on my feeble efforts on the recording studio section. Interestingly I play ukulele (usually baritone) and a little fiddle as well as slide guitar and cigarbox guitars. I used a mic through the Audacity programme but it is also possible to plug the guitar directly into the computer in order to record. The original recording was done in the key of C (vestapol).I think as I was not sure if the instrument would tune up to D. As it happens it does although I usually use spanish tuning. I hope to be performing on Wednesday at a local open mic session.

    Yellowbelly Flatt

    charles carr said:
    I finger picked along with my baritone uke. This one is tuned DGBe same as a guitar 4 smaller strings. Makes it easy to I'd notes. Most pop music including blues is 1, 4-5 tuning. What seems to work is a C/G tuning. C is one (d,e) are 2 and 3 disreguard.F would be 4 and G sounds like 5. Then you cross to a G tuning and G is one with C and D as 4 and 5. Going from D to D# sets up that awsome blue note. You only hit F a couple times when you go real low. C and G tuning work well together because they share 2 of the same notes. C-F,G and G-C,D. Its a great place to bridge across tunings.
    What kind of recording set up are you Guy's using for input to this. I captured the Audacity program but I need a mic or something. Chuck
  • I finger picked along with my baritone uke. This one is tuned DGBe same as a guitar 4 smaller strings. Makes it easy to I'd notes. Most pop music including blues is 1, 4-5 tuning. What seems to work is a C/G tuning. C is one (d,e) are 2 and 3 disreguard.F would be 4 and G sounds like 5. Then you cross to a G tuning and G is one with C and D as 4 and 5. Going from D to D# sets up that awsome blue note. You only hit F a couple times when you go real low. C and G tuning work well together because they share 2 of the same notes. C-F,G and G-C,D. Its a great place to bridge across tunings.
    What kind of recording set up are you Guy's using for input to this. I captured the Audacity program but I need a mic or something. Chuck
  • That was awsome Dude. I gotta get out my fiddle and listen to that again!
    Brother that was so blue ,I almost jumped off the roof. Chuck
  • No, that's O.K. No burden. It's just that I don't understand what I need to do in order to send all the files that are needed for these projects. Unfortunately these 'ere t'internet and computer thingies were invented long after I was born and although I can use them for lots of things, there are some things that I haven't the faintest idea what people are talking about. Thanks for the comments on the recording content though. It was much appreciated.

    Tres Seaver said:
    Yellowbelly Flatt said:
    I really wish that I never bothered with this. It's all abit of a faf. How do I create an .aup file? How do I tack on the data file? How do I create a data file?

    Count me out.

    Ouch! I didn't mean to run you off, I was just trying to explain where the actual sound data you already recorded in Audacity was being stored (not in the .aup file, which has only the top-level metadata about the project). I certainly didn't mean to create a burden for you.

    BTW, I really like your track, if I didn't say that before.
  • Yellowbelly Flatt said:
    I really wish that I never bothered with this. It's all abit of a faf. How do I create an .aup file? How do I tack on the data file? How do I create a data file?

    Count me out.

    Ouch! I didn't mean to run you off, I was just trying to explain where the actual sound data you already recorded in Audacity was being stored (not in the .aup file, which has only the top-level metadata about the project). I certainly didn't mean to create a burden for you.

    BTW, I really like your track, if I didn't say that before.
  • I really wish that I never bothered with this. It's all abit of a faf. How do I create an .aup file? How do I tack on the data file? How do I create a data file?

    Count me out.

    Tres Seaver said:
    Yellowbelly Flatt said:
    Sorry, but I've no idea about what you are speaking of.

    Audacity stores its top-level information about the project in the .aup file, and keeps the actual sound files under a folder in the same directory, where the folder's name is the same as the .aup, but with '_data' tacked on. You uploaded 'cbg_slide.aup', which means that there should be a folder, 'cbg_slide_data', in the same directory. Wes was asking that you make a ZIP archive of the 'cbg_slide_data' folder and upload it as well.
  • Yellowbelly Flatt said:
    Sorry, but I've no idea about what you are speaking of.

    Audacity stores its top-level information about the project in the .aup file, and keeps the actual sound files under a folder in the same directory, where the folder's name is the same as the .aup, but with '_data' tacked on. You uploaded 'cbg_slide.aup', which means that there should be a folder, 'cbg_slide_data', in the same directory. Wes was asking that you make a ZIP archive of the 'cbg_slide_data' folder and upload it as well.
  • Sorry, but I've no idea about what you are speaking of.

    Wes Yates said:
    That would be the zip, yes! But still needs the cbg_slide_data directory.

    Good go tho!

    How 'bout this...
    (see attached)

    Yellowbelly Flatt said:
    Would this be what is needed?????????

    Wes Yates said:
    One thing tho. You need to include the project _data directory as well. Audacity will open the mp3. but if we want to add to it (if it were a multitrack mp3) we couldn't separate tracks.

    cbg_slide.aup and cbg_slide_data. You're gonna wanna compress those and I will prolly say that it will be big. Real big. so do compress (.zip if you can).

  • Hmmm Same here Tres. Even right-click doesn't work.
  • Jarmo Katajisto said:
    Hi Yellowbelly Flatt

    Check my last reply post to you, i upload your files and i named that winrar file with Yellowbelly Flatt.rar (21.8 MB) , inside that is your files.

    I think at Winrar is easier to use than Winzip and also if you want make some files with scrambling, Winrar do it also.


    There you can find trial version , but it works still, when trial time is expired, there is only little disturbing note and you can click it away everytime when you use Winrar.

    Technical merits aside, I have'nt been able to download either of your RAR files: I get an "Access Denied" message, which I think means the Ning software doesn't like the format.
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