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Piezo Placement

I sent this out as a message to everyone when I meant to start a discussion. Sorry about that. Just gonna paste it here.

So on the first guitar I built, I had a space between the neck and soundboard and I placed the piezo in there right under the bridge. On this one I am working on right now, there is no space so I need to put it either on the soundboard, above or below the neck, or on the back panel. Does anyone have any experience and possible advice as to which of these would be the best as far as sound? Does it matter?

Thanks for any help I can get.


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  • Thanks guys. I ended up carving a bit out of the neck under the bridge and putting it there, like on the last one. I tried taping it several places in the box and just couldn't get the right sound. I'll get some pics up soon.
  • I build mine into the bridge, its nice and loud and cuts some feedback and a bit of the box noise (but not all).
  • I have built a few, well a bunch. And for tone and less feedback i mount mine about two inches from the bridge under the neck. A lot of guys don't like it there, but for me it works the best. Plus the more wood you have around the pickup the netter.
  • Anyone find carpet tape or double-sided foam tape beneficial? Not as rigid as glue...I've never compared glue against tape in the same instrument, but I like the flexible mount. I've used foam core too.

    I'd try the soundboard first, multiple places, but below the neck. I wouldn't do back panel alone but might someday try a second pickup on the back if the box resonates well.

  • Hi Mitchell,

    Sound perception is a personal thing - if you wire up the piezo and tape it to the various spots you can find the one which sounds best to your ear before you glue it in place(I would put a blob of glue over the solder contacts to the piezo first as they easily ping off when moved about). I tend to glue mine to the sound board close to the bridge which gives a loud sound but picks up noise when the top is touched - not normally a problem but if you glue to the back of the box this might be an issue when the guitar rubs against your body when playing it. Above or below the neck or even on the neck will work.

    Good luck,
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