I'm a total newbie. On my first CGB I installed a transducer I bought at Radio Shack. It sounds okay except for that it picks up the slightest touch of the sound board.
Did I use the wrong type of transducer?
Can you recommend what I should look for in the future?
Thanks Michael,
The pictures were a huge help.
And I really enjoyed looking at your guitars.
Thank you for your responses.
I just want to make sure I'm understanding this.
Should encapuslate the pieze in silicone or hotglue to reduce its sensitivity?
I hope Im not asking to much but would you mind posting a picture? I'm having a hard time visualizing what I should do.
Michael is right ,,i ,too, am new ,, and had the same problem ,, changed the plcement to under the bridge on bottom side of box ,, huge improvement !! ,, then built bridge as a 2 piece and embedded the piezo ,, drilled hole thu top of box into the box to b able to hook up to jack ,, used silicone to embed the piezo ,, again another huge improvement ..
best advice i got was to cut out the neck so it does not touch the top of the box all the way thru .. I do that and reinforce the cut out with a 1/4 by 1 by 2 what ever length i need ,,another huge improvemnt on sound ,, if u have a box about 3 inches deep ,, man it'll give it a really deep bass smooth sound ,, Last one i did was a Don Diego and it was deep like that ,, I was seriously impressed with the sound ,, srry if i have over estimated ur curiusity ,, just really like these cbg thingys
You did not use the wrong thing, they all pick up sound off the board and neck etc. The trick is the placement of the piezo (transducer) And some kind of insulating around it. Some people use hot glue on top. I make mine as a sandwich and use it as the bridge. Do some searches here on piezo and you will get lots of good ideas and info.
Where in your cbg did you mount it, and how? Changing this may (will) help.