Seems like the future of the Nation is a little unclear at this point, so I thought we should have a place where people could plug their websites, youtube channels, facebook, or anywhere else you want to be found on the internet.  CBN has been my only feed for homemade music content and I'd like to be sure I can keep up with everybody if need be, so go ahead and post links to your stuff so we can find you out there in wild!

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  • I am on Facebook and youtube, as me...

  • Thanks for the responses and chuckles folks.  I hope the Nation sticks around too, but Facebook seems to have become the place to be for a lot of people and since I'm not a facebook person, I wanted to see where people are hanging out.  I'm going through and making sure to follow people on youtube as I go along. 

    You can find me there too:

    My jam track channel:

  • I'm like Jim M. in the fact that summertime is my down time on the computer, living in Nebraska you have to take advantage of the days above freezing that you can be outdoors plus I do all my shows in the spring, summer and fall. I try and check in on occasion though when I can as I enjoy seeing what everyone has been up to.

    My other pages are

    I am getting a website soon also and will post when that happens. Thanks Y'all   :-)

  • profile pic is a black lab wearing sunglasses..should be easy to find

  • Interesting....   CBN is certainly faded right now.   Sad.   Not dead.  Not on life support.  But faded.  

    I've made friends here and it has been  (was?) great to have an audience for my music.   Not much of an audience of late. 

    I have been a pretty good supporter of CBN and CBG newbies, kings and wood be kings.   But I am done supporting the folks who don't support other folks. 

    Where will you find me?   Here a little bit.   Facebook a little.   And in my home area doing my own thing.

    OTHER:  one downer for me is that my computer / internet lock up on CBN.  It has been going on for a few months now.

    • I'm hoping it's just a summer slump. I know I have way less time during June, July and August than I do in colder months. I usually miss commenting on many videos due to travel, music festivals and other things. When it gets cold I tend to spend more time on CBN and at the computer. 

      I've had some of those lock ups you mention and I think Wayfinder might be on to something about the insistence of the Windows 10 change for whatever reason.

      I hope CBN continues strong and healthy for a good long time since I've learned, and am still learning a bunch of new stuff from many of the folks here.

    •  Hi everyone Having Computer lock up this May Be cause by not having enough Ram installed on your computer Ram is what your Computer uses to Process and store Memory if  it runs out will cause computer to lock up. the longer your on line the faster it runs out you can close browser and this clears the Ram to you fill it up again. If you have a older computer this is most likely the cause as many have less than a gig of ram this is a cheap upgrade. if you Do it yourself cost a bought 20 to 40 bucks you can fine videos on you tube to show you how to do this. videos used a lot of Ram so install as much as your computer Mother Board Will support. It's not Hard to Do just Be careful and make sure you are well grounded Be fore touching anything inside your Computer. I have an Alienware  computer with 8 Gigs of ram and a 2 gig of Ram Video Card never locks up can  watch Videos all Day. I have Build several computers and work on Many for friends Ram will increase your computers performance 200.% the more you have the faster it Will Be. Hope this helps

    • That might explain my problems, I'm only on Ewe memory, haven't been able to afford to upgrade to Ram memory yet *snicker*

    • Who are ewe trying to kid?

    • What's your Facebook?

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