So i am going to be finishing up my new CBG soon, this is the first one i have built in a long time, and there are a few things I wanted to do that I never had done before.

 First thing, I did not want to rush. All my older builds were done all in the same day or two and rushed through, which in the long run, made them not the best builds.  I did make a few mistakes on this one that I regret but all in all, I have taken my time and ran with it.  

I have never added frets, and on this build I plan on burning them in.

I wanted to make a build that I could actually play with my fingers. All of my other builds were really high action, so this one I wanted to make sure I used the right size of nuts to make for a good low action, but still able to play with a slide if I want.

with all of this said, I have the frets marked with pencil, and I will purchase a wood burner next week.  I wanted to cover the neck with a clear coat to bring out the grain of the wood.....So, what do you all recommend?

I was thinking boiled linseed oil.  Something not too stinky and something I can do in the house and just let it dry on some news paper.  

I am wanting to stay with clear, but I also would not mind a idea for maybe a satin type of finish, let me know what you all think.  Thanks.

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  • Obviously there are a thousand +1 opinions for finish.  I've been doing Danish Oil + Paste Wax because it's fast, easy, and pretty good!  The whole process doesn't take long. 

    Danish Oil isn't bad on it's own, but the addition of Paste Wax after you're done with the oil really adds a lot.  Makes the neck smooth and not tacky at all.  Plus it's even easier than the Danish Oil!

    You can take extra steps with the Danish Oil by sanding in the first coat to fill any pours in the wood.

    On frets, go for it man!  I was intimidated by them as well.  But I think after your first experience you will find it's not that bad. 

  • I am partial to Tung Oil for finishing necks, leaves a very nice finish and feels great to play it.

  • If you wanna play finger style fretless really hard fretboard material will help your cause greatly. I definitely agree with Kigar, and wouldn't use tru oil inside without at least opening all the windows and doors. That stuff smells very strong. The fumes are probably toxic.

  • Don't use linseed oil, it never dries properly, always stays soft and gummy. TrueOil is the way to go for a simple rub-on oil finish - easy to use and gives a great result.

    • Right. The "boiled" is critical (I know it's not literally boiled.) I've had not issues with BLO, but just linseed oil is as you say.
  • I did some reading in here and one of the suggestions was to use Miniwax paste finishing wax after using 600 grit to polish the neck.  IT really brings out the grain and make the neck smooth, like butter.

  • Indoor friendly? furniture wax, rub on, let set a day or 2 to cure, buff off, repeat if necessary.

  • I like spray shellac over boiled linseed oil. You could use 0000 steel wool to knock the shine off after it's cured if you want more of a matte finish.

    Ditto to Kigar's comment...better to do them in the garage or outside with plenty of ventilation.

  • Maybe others have further suggestions but I have used tung oil and tru-oil with good results. Easy rub on finish. However I don't know of any finishing oil that I would do in a closed room, they smell some and are flammable, so is the rag you rub with.
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