Hi guys. I'm new to the site but have built a few cigar box guitars and I am interested in the cigar box scene in the UK. I will start off by saying that I know nothing about whats going on at the moment and I am here to learn. Are there many people doing this sort of thing in the UK and if so who and where? I am interested in starting a one man band type project so I would like to know if there are many more people doing this in England. I am based in the Lancashire area so if there is anyone on here from around that area drop me a line and say hi. I hope this is the right area to post this.

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  • Yep have to agree Hollow Belly is damn good. Been added to my favorites(lots of times). Nice to know there is aleast four like minded souls in Wiltshire. I've made 6 CBGs so far and looks like I have orders for more. We have a little music festival in the village called Maletstock. The landlord put on a good show and quite a few bands from london and surrounding area come. Hope to get a few local bands into cbgs if only to spread the word a bit more. Love it.
    ChickenboneJohn said:
    Hi, the UK scene is pretty active..last year I organised the first UK Cigar Box Festival in Birmingham, and reckon by the response we got from people it could be called a success! Quite a few people on this site came along, and quite a few couldn't ...and wished they could have been there....but there will be another one in October (details on here as soon as I've confirmed the date and venue).

    Myself, Roosterman and JuJu will be peddling our wares at the Haydock Park Guitar Show later in the year.

    For one man band..check our own Hollowbelly...he's THE MAN!!!
  • Thanks guys. I've joined the group and just been perusing youtube at some vids of the last festival. It looks really good. Will it be in Birmingham again this year? I have a friend who lives down there (I'm gonna be building him a guitar), so I could stay with him and come along. How have people been reacting to the british one man bands?
  • Hi, the UK scene is pretty active..last year I organised the first UK Cigar Box Festival in Birmingham, and reckon by the response we got from people it could be called a success! Quite a few people on this site came along, and quite a few couldn't ...and wished they could have been there....but there will be another one in October (details on here as soon as I've confirmed the date and venue).

    Myself, Roosterman and JuJu will be peddling our wares at the Haydock Park Guitar Show later in the year.

    For one man band..check our own Hollowbelly...he's THE MAN!!!
  • Welcome aboard guys!

    Robert - Iv just sent my 2 most recent CBGs down to Wiltshire so the scene is at least 3 big!

    Join up at the Brits group, pencil in the UK cigar box fest in October, and start spreading the word!! :o)
  • Hi Phil Trying to do the same down here in darkest Wiltshire. Although I feel like I could be be only person on my wave length round my neck of the woods. Got a friend up in essex who's a fiddle player and there is quite a folk scence up that way . Maybe one day this will pay the mortgage who knows. Keep building, this an amazing site! very helpful people and a goldmine of info.
  • Hi Phill theres over hundred of us brits on here now come and join our group http://www.cigarboxnation.com/group/thebritsarecoming
    be good to see you over there
    welcom to the Nation mate
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