
  • Dang, did not expect this, now I have a few pre-orders. So much for liesurely builds. lol

    Mungo Park said:

    Michael, you had better re  stock the bin you don't want to run short.

                     Cheers Ron.                               

  • Michael, you had better re  stock the bin you don't want to run short.

                     Cheers Ron.                               

  • Thanks people, that sure was an ego boost, I sold all the guitars in my etsy shop plus an amp, not bad for one little article.

    Now I have to go build more, oh life is so hard.

  • Michael, thats great!!!! Your very talented.
  • Wozers, you are famous and I and I am not, not that their is anything wrong with that, God on Ya.

                                                                         Cheers Ron.

  • Congrats Michael... kudos!
  • Sweet!!
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