
  • I've been checking this site out for YEARS! Everyone here should check it out! (Talk about concrete music...).
  • Like a fingertip slide? or a thimble? Very cool!

    Think of the art direction possibilities that formica opens! Marble, speckle, solid, basketweave, etc!

    Randy S. Bretz said:
    Wow Diane, cool site. Got me thinking of some ideas. One idea that comes to mind is a fretless mountain dulci with formica on the fretboard. One other thing I have to tell you, I told the guys over at the mountaindulcimer web site that I make bone guitar slides. Now they want to know if I can make bone dulcimer noters, so guess I`ll design a few and let them check them out. Looks like mojobone works is branching out.
  • Some cool stuff.
  • The club we used to frequent had a pretty much "open mic" policy, and we saw a lot of good stuff. The proprietor had a semi-regular group he called the "Gravois Gypsies" which included a really fine balalaika player named Tommy Kellum.

    He could get a lot of music out of those three strings! We also had a Greek gentleman who would bring his electric bouzouki down. He played a bit too loud, and HAD to do the "Zorba" theme every night... But a pretty good musician nonetheless.
  • great little website. really fancy one of those Balalaikas
  • Thanks for finding this Diane! Come across this way back and hadn't been able to find it. Its bookmarked now!
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