After spending months developing the new 2x4 Lap Steel Kit, Ben "Gitty" Baker started to consider other uses for simple 2x4 planks and came up with this very simple strummer guitar.  

To make the instrument, Gitty started with a single piece of 2x4 and removed wood from the areas where the neck would be.  He then used an industrial band saw to "hollow out" the body cavity as shown in this picture:

He then used the two discarded pieces of wood from the neck area to create the sides of the body, gluing them into place.  

After rounding the neck, installing frets, tuners and ferrules for strings, he strung it up!  See it in this Cigar Box Nation broadcast... and then scroll down for more!

After building the strummer, Ben got an idea to make a mandolin in the same manner with a 2x6 plank.  These videos below feature them both.

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  • BRILLIANT work here Ben, Kudos! -Glenn

  •  Good lookin' project! Now ya gone and done it. I got another future project...

  • Love my 2x4 Lapsteels!



    • Good lookin' lapsteels, John!

      Another future project.

  • Hey Ben, I know it's not stringed, but this method of building might make for a really good stomp box. Seems to have pretty good volume! Will probably try something soon when the weather dries up here in BC Canada, I have some 2x4's of dark red meranti kicking around (from door skin pallets) that would be perfect for some of these builds!.


  • This is excellent Ben! Doggone it, now you have me in a 2x4 - 2x8 building frenzy. My cigar boxes are giving me the stink eye! Some of my utube viewers are asking for a how to video. so I might have to do one using your ideas.

  • Hello,
    Whats the total length, fret spacing ?

  • Ben,

    Excellent work !

    do you have a plan you can share for the 2 x 6 mandolin ?

    Right On , Good1, Bulldog

  • Very good design.

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