I was contacted by a woman from www.raisingtheblues.org, and was asked to donate a cigar box guitar to their fundraising raffle that will be held in July. I am going to build one and send it along to them. This is a wonderful way of bringing the blues to kids who have a rough go of it.

Here is a sampler video of some of their events:

Here is what she sent me:

Hello Blues fan!  My name is Deb Dugan and I am a volunteer for a great organization that is based on Blues music.  Raising The Blues, Ltd. is a 501(c)3 non-profit charitable organization dedicated to bringing music to kids undergoing medical treatment, recovery, and kids with physical, emotional or educational challenges.  Please check out our website:  www.raisingtheblues.org

We have held several fundraising events at the North Atlantic Blues Festival in Rockland, Maine.  www.northatlanticbluesfestival.com .  We have received tremendous support from the Blues community.  This year at the festival, on July 13 and 14, 2013, we will be holding a Cigar Box Guitar raffle.  All proceeds from the raffle go straight back into our organization.  No one affiliated with Raising The Blues gets paid – we are all volunteers.

Why am I emailing you?   We are asking fellow members of the Blues community for their support  - to help us to continue bringing the Blues to these kids.

How can you help us?   We would be most grateful if you would donate a Cigar Box Guitar for the raffle.  If you decide to help us, we will provide you with an official receipt as the donation is tax-deductible and we will proudly display your name and website at our booth at the festival and also on our website! Please consider our request  - you will be doing an awesome thing for a great cause.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.  If you have any questions, I am happy to answer them.  You can email me or call me:  978-790-8008

Deb Dugan

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  • Thanks to all who have responded!!!!

    They could still use some more, if anyone would still like to donate!!

  • Hello and  Wonderful video, Dan

  • Deb,
    Your CBG is on the way!  Huntz & Sam CBG #1 is a 3-string acoustic-electric.  It is built on a Oliva box.  The neck is maple, fully tapered and rounded for playability and bolts-on for transportability.   The fretboard is red oak with 24-3/4" scale.  Geared tuners, bone nut and bridge, aluminum neck plate and external tailpiece, and single coil pickup complete the CBG. It is strung up with 42-32-24 D'addario Chromes strings and tuned G-D-G.   The Truoil finish is as robust as it is beautiful.

    We were in such a hurry to get it to the PO that we forgot to take pictures, so I'm going to have to ask you to send it back.  Or send pictures - whichever is easier.  ;)  Hopefully the pics will include the proud new owner.

    'Huntz' & 'Sam I Am'

  • Anyone? I know somebody has a spare instrument lying around they could part with. :-)

    • Dan, I have the Original Blues-cimer!  It is a 3-string with blues fretting. Message me with your street address and I will send it off next week!  (There is probably a photo on my page, I will look.)

      • Thanks! Let me contact the lady and see where they want them sent.

  • Think they would want a nice diddley or two or a relic 3?

    • I am sure they would take anything we are willing to donate. You could probably contact Deb directly and run it past her. She know I was posting this here, so she won't be surprised to hear from any of us.

  • Hopefully some of our members will have something lying around they can donate.

  • Wonderful video, Dan.   Made me cry.  Good on you for helping them out.

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