So . . . ever since the advent of the CBG revolution - I have found that this is the demarcation line.

"Player" or "Builder"

The nation (God love it) has plenty of the latter, but notsomuch of the former.

The cigar box guitar is such a perfectly primitive instrument. It epitomizes "simplicity" and the raw joy of music. Music to the lowest common denominator. We all embrace the beauty of the instrument in that regard . . .

I suppose the nature of any "internet community" is that it can become SOooo specialized and sooo very deep in the particular interest . . . The trouble is: the case of CBG's, it makes for a bit of philosophical disconnect, doesnt it?

The nation is a GREAT collection point for ideas and a great gathering place where hobbyists can congregate. But when we delve, ad nauseum into the complete minutia of things like what-is-the-best-angle-for-a-scarf-joint and what-material-is-best-for-sound-hole-grommets - and analyze every aspect to the enth degree - do we lose a little bit of the raw "stick-in-the-box charm" of the cbg??

I've noticed that many of the early crowd of "players" have drifted away. Maybe what I feel is missing is not the role of "the nation", but I'd like to think there was *someplace* online that could focus on :the player: side . . . a place where the average curious Joe Citizen who doesn't want to launch into a "DIY hobby" could click and and simply find out where to go to experience the raw joy of people playing (I'll use Mr. Speal's word:) "Primal" music - locate cigar box guitar festivals, local bands playing this stuff etc. etc etc.

When we get THAT, the cbg movement becomes something akin to a musical genre,

am I alone in this thought?

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  • I'd like to say I'm equally both but seeing as how I haven't completed a guit in quite some time, I'm actually more player than builder. I hope that changes soon when I have more time this fall though. I do have a couple that I would like to complete.

    • re ; adding a new group  .

      you  cant  add  new  groups  anymore  on your  own  .   the  link  to  do so  was deleted  . due to   too  many  repeat  groups,  and some silly  ones  taking  up   too much  space  . 

      HOWEVER... ,   if you  believe you   have a valuable    group   idea  ,  you  can  run  it    past  Ben  and  special  request  it  .  he  may  or  may   not approve  it  . 

       hope that  helps .  ;-)

    • Thx for the info! :)  Greatly appreciated!

    • cheers  ;-)

  • I build, and desire to play better. With 30 cbgs under my belt I have learned and advanced beyond "put a stick through a box" but still maintain a traditional look and sound. I have found help on both sides of the coin on the Nation. People who have taken the time to demo my stuff ( thanks Jim!!) and do a video of it for the world to see and hear. Others have given me advice on how to better build my instruments. Lastly, there are countless lessons on how to play right on this site. 

    To conclude, I personally fell this site covers all the bases effectively. If you have to label what we do as its own genre, don't you take away from its simplistic nature purely by constricting it with a label?

    • Yup Jeff, I'm still playing the one you  sent me. It's certainly more than a stick through a box and it was my pleasure to demo it. Still though, I would urge folks who build and don't think their playing is great to post vids of them playing their own builds. It makes you look at and listen to what you're doing and also gives you something to compare to a year later and see the progress you've made. I agree with Preston that if you can play a little to demo an instrument sales will certainly increase at craft shows or wherever. "with every mistake we must surely be learning" 

  • I consider myself a builder. I learned: to sell one must demonstrate. Hence, I tried to play. That's when I also learned that ones hands should have been trained at an early age, not after arthritics has limited your use. So for me, cording is not possible. I have built cbg 4 strings with slightly spread out string placement, so I can play single note music (some call them "leads") utilizing primarily the first 4 frets, in which I can play a lot of songs and yes I play mostly by ear.    I hope these thoughts work for some other person out there in CBN land.    Everyone has their own ideas and ways of doin' & playin' & buildin'.       So just have fun with it. 

  • I am probably a mad man, but gonna re-ask a question that I posed over a year ago, and have never really received a viable/amiable response:  Reply by Spence's Rye on May 1, 2014 at 8:14pmDelete

    Forgive my ignorance... How would one go about adding a group?
    What is up with no capability/or am I just not seeing the capability, to create new groups?  What if some like-minded folks want to create a CBN group, so as not to disturb others with content pertinent to said group of like-minded individuals?  Is such "micro-management" really necessary with regard to groups?  I guess I am just not understanding the logic in preventing folks from associating with others without imposing all content on others who may not be interested in whatever "niche" topic...  Best wishes to all of you fine folks!
    • I'm not sure how one would create a new group. I know it's possible because folks like Diane in Chicago started one focusing on CB Fiddles. I've had content imposed on me that I wasn't initially interested in and then, to my surprise, learned stuff. F'rinstance, I've never had any desire to make my own pick ups (and still don't) since I mostly play acoustic instruments. But after looking at and reading about some homemade ones I thought I'd try a few and found that I liked them. My horizons got expanded a little bit. Plus, it's easy enough to skip over things that don't interest you. So I say impose away and let folks decide if they want to skip over it or let their horizons expand.

  • At the moment I'm more of a builder(not very good) working on my arsenal,when I get a few done I'll start recording.

    I can play,but I'm trying to meld this Metal and CBG style together.

    Most players I hear are blues or bluegrass based,I want to do it totally different.Which is the art and craft of this beautiful thing called music.


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