
  • Well done.

  • Well done! Im in the process of my first build. Any reason why you stopped the frets half way up the neck? Im trying to get ideas. Also, what did you use for the sound hole cover?

    • I use a drain cover I found at Lowes.  Cost about 1.99, they have silver and gold one, pretty cheap : )

      I stop on the frets couple of reasons, 1) cause I never play that high of tune ever so didn't want to waste any, on future ones I will probably put 15 but this was the first one   2) more importantly because I ran out of them at the time and I didn't want to wait 2 weeks before I could get more in and play it.  : )

    • Thanks for the info. Makes sense. I get the same way when Im building mine too!

    • Good thinking on #2, I ran out of fret wire and started using 1/8" brass rod. Looks nice and the guy who bought one really liked it.

  • Well, no wonder, you did such a great job on that one! Super.

  • The freebies last until the 8th or 9th one.. Very nice Guitar...

  • Thanks everyone.

  • Nice lookin' first build. Enjoy. 

  • Turned out very nice for your first one. Nice job.

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