
  • New legislation in Australia means no more brand logos for tobacco products of any kind and the front of the box is covered with a picture of a rotten lung, a gangrenous foot or cancerous tongue. Perfect for heavy metal!

    Given I make ukes I usually finish up with cookie or Chockie tins.
    I trawl the goodwill stores for what I can find too.

    Back when I used to buy cigars to make exploding cigars from, the only ones I could find were either in individual tubes or the Henri wintermans half corona 5 pack. About the size and consistency of a cigarette pack.

    In case you are interested party poppers contain a charge just big enough to amaze but not disable. You would be surprised the number of people who assume you are having them on when you tell them that the cigars are exploding and how angry they can get when the cigar which you told them was exploding actually does. Port and exploding cigars over a game of cards - could there be a better life?

  • I'm going to make my own on some partially because of ATF regulations regarding minors and tobacco related products. That way I can have my 11 year old involved and playing at craft fairs without having to worry about my guits being confiscated and a nice little fine levied against us. I used to operate tobacco stores and concerns about that were drilled into our heads by the major manufacture representatives.

  • Hey guys, I'm from Dublin, Ireland. There are a few cigar shops but selection can be poor and small. Got a half decent Romeo & Juliet box but because our government health warnings are glued on by Satans minions, I have to gently sand to lovely image off. Leaves a poor, sad looking glue stained box. Have to stain it, sand, stain, sand... You get the idea. You have to tart it up somehow or it looks pretty boring without the lovely artwork.
  • I've made some when I wanted a larger box.  And I've made a new top for some when the top was trashed.  

  • I just bought a king Edward cigar box for £4.49 inc shipping off ebay.

    a violin for £3.50 again off ebay. 

    you have just to keep an eye out on ebay and bid bid till the last minute.

    punters think that in the last minute they've won only to be beaten by a penny!

    I put in what I'm willing to pay and no more .start your bid and in the last 15 seconds put it in.

    have a looky in ere!

  • Hi Paul , i think theres the odd Cigar shop about down London way , but most cigars here seem to be sold individual in tubes , prolly because there that expensive to buy a box full with the amount of tax us brits have to pay on tabbaco , thats the only reason i can think of anyway !
    Paul Doug said:
    I gota ask, Why are there not cigar boxes in the UK. Don't people over ther smoke cigars? OR, are they like California, least this is what my son tells me, cigar stores are not allowed to sell empty cigar boxes, why>
    • Hi only place you can get cigar boxes here in the uk is on ebay so will be making my own Mark.

  • I gota ask, Why are there not cigar boxes in the UK. Don't people over ther smoke cigars? OR, are they like California, least this is what my son tells me, cigar stores are not allowed to sell empty cigar boxes, why?

    soundssogood said:
    No thats no consolation what so ever Diane lol! we want Boxes , i do have a fair few tins but i'm not intrested in them, well for now anyway , cheers diane i know your trying to make us feel better :-)

    Diane said:
    You folks in the UK, Europe and Australia sure seem to get waaaay nicer biscuit/toffee/chocolate tins than here in the US, if that is any consolation
  • No thats no consolation what so ever Diane lol! we want Boxes , i do have a fair few tins but i'm not intrested in them, well for now anyway , cheers diane i know your trying to make us feel better :-)

    Diane said:
    You folks in the UK, Europe and Australia sure seem to get waaaay nicer biscuit/toffee/chocolate tins than here in the US, if that is any consolation
  • You folks in the UK, Europe and Australia sure seem to get waaaay nicer biscuit/toffee/chocolate tins than here in the US, if that is any consolation!

    I"m building a box in the months ahead for a bowed dulcimer. I thought I'd be able to use a whiskey box or a wine box, but they are not right -- at least what I've seen so far. But I'm still looking. I've got my eye out for a Gurhka Expedition, which might be okay. But if not, fire up the saw!
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