Last night as I was looking at my latest cbg I've made, I noticed the top is starting to bow, after look at it then look at some of my others I noticed the latest three the lids are starting to bow in the middle where the neck goes through.

What might have caused this and is there a easy fix?

I'm think I could put another piece of wood inside the box under the neck and then putting a bolt through the whole box so there would be no bowing but it looks like I'm going to need to do this to three of them now.  Is there anything else that I might be able to do?  The boxes feel thinner than all the others I've done in the past so that could be the problem, thinner boxes need more bracing...maybe???

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  • Bowing out? It's an arch top, just leave it alone. 

  • here's how they stop that happening, i just pulled this out of a skip 2 hours ago....hope it helps305928882?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024305930133?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

    • And now you have not only a nice neck to fit to a cigar box, but also a lesson to share on CBN! Well done.

  • I have had the same problem a few times. It comes from the thinner lid being pressed down by the string pressure. I cured one by putting a support between the lid and thru neck right in the middle of the lid. I found if i put it under the bridge it dampened the sound some. You may need to try a few things to get it just the way you like it. 

    • Thanks, I'll try that.

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