Summer is blistering on here in East Texas. I am dripping sweating to much on my projects and on top of that I am still limping around after being stung on the foot by a sting ray while surf fishing 14 days ago. 

Up side is that I have a ton of boxes and tins for projects. Is it too hot to build where you guys are? 

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  • Down here in Arizona its only 106. Cooling right down :)

  • Supposed to be 102 tomorrow and 104 Wednesday and Thursday. Not a lot of airflow in the garage where I build and my old run down body doesn't handle the heat very well. Between the heat and our busy "retired" lives not doing a lot right now. :)>

  • Been 90 here. No AC in the garage, and if I open the west facing garage door in the afternoon, it really gets uncomfortable.

  • images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSUKUErcj_qXPgMDY-5tLurYgLPxbAP1s6y2ttq8iPId6Rr7xnwLg

  • St. Louis 102 Friday, 103 Saturday. Glad I stuck an AC in the wall of my shop. WHEW!!

  • 105 in the shade, high humidity here in The Sandbox.
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