Ok, I admit to overdoing things, but I thought I'd show you a "sequence" of the packing to get Matt Borczon's CBG to Afghanistan....






Here's "the Blues Hound" a 4 string fretted, dual piezo (under the top) folk art CBG.  I've got it setting on the 1/2 foam that will be the skeleton of the shipping container..









Here we are with the Blues Hound, setting beside a top, bottom and two sides....



Now we almost have to box completed using 2 inch foam for the ends and the stringer....



OK, the "Hound" is boxed up and secured with a lot of Duct/k tape.... don't you love the stuff?



Here's the "secret"... although I wouldn't hesitate to shipping anyway in my made to order foam box, I now wrap the box in a "cut-to-fit" cardboard shell.  Again, another ample use of duct/k tape.




Start the final wrapping in shipping paper....



Finish it off using clear packing tape....



Add the label and off you go....


Some special considerations.... I usually don't use my "Wichita Sam- custom made Cigar Box Guitar" shipping label on international shipments.  I'd rather the box get to the destination attracting as little attention as possible....  After the label is written on the box, I overlay is with clear shipping tape and then "band" the package in clear tape on both long circumferences and around the "belly" at least 5 times.


Although the supplies are relatively cheap (less than $ 5), it does take about 1 hour to do it right.... I've had multiple shipments to Europe, Asia and Iraq with not problem, no damage....


Thought you might be interested....


BTW, the shipping container can be converted to a cheap case with an assist from a little more duct tape....


the best,


Wichita Sam


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  • Thanks Sam, very helpful.

  • Please tell me where you got the box??
  • stuff the styrofoam- that is one nice guitar...

  • Where do you get the styrofoam?
    • hi dave,


      you can get the foam board at any home store, Lowes, Home Depot, etc...


      Seriously, if you do these right, you can stand on the box after you're done and you can't break it down...


      the best,


      Wichita Sam

    • Sam, I hope you addressed the box under the paper!  Some shippers wont allow paper covering anymore because it tears off too easy, then no address on box. Otherwise, nice box. So far, mine have not come back yet. 

    • That's a great thing to bring up... must of the time there will be something in the box with the CBG, and then also on the box under the paper.... And of course with the customs paper work....




      Wichita Sam

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