
  • I

    ve used Humidor Guitar (Dan Sleep) thin pup and they are great.  Only for personal use or custom builds.  Can second the idea that you can get good results from cheap pups, but if you want "better/best" you just have to pay for quality.

  • John, if you want cheap go to your local guitar shop. I can vouch for the quality of the products of one of the sellers mentioned above, (Wayfinder), and I can truthfully say they are worth the cost on any and every guitar you can afford, but after tax the costs do stack up. There is no in between, alas.
    All the best from Bill. :D
  • thanks for the replies.

    I know these 3 guys make them,just that there might be others who makes them.

    I read the notes in elmers and it seem's they are not the run of the mill items.

    I just want to buy 5 or 6 but at those prices its a bit much for me.

    I know these guys got to make money and they're time consuming in making them.

    • I can't speak for the retailers John, but having made a few flat pups myself, i'd say Elmar won't become a millionaire in a hurry at the prices he offers,Dan and others the same, they are only overpriced if you think 5 bucks an hr for labour is too much

    • no no I dont think that at all.

      if I was making them I'd want more than $15 an hour.

      when your making them for family and friends at cost it can get a bit expensive.

      we all know that friends/family expect

  • Or, you may be able to get them from Elmar at:

    He is in Europe, but I don't know what the shipping costs would be.

    • his website says the shop is closed until Feb 2017...

  • Dan Sleep or Wayfinder makes the flat pickups you're looking for. As for "cheaply", that's relative. But Dan and Way are members in the US, and I believe you're across the pond in the UK? Shipping will be nominal since the pickups are small and thin, can be sent in a padded envelope.

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