Hello Cigar Box Nation!

I'm currently building a cigar box guitar, with an oak Neck. 

But i have some questions for you guys. 

- How do I get less tension on the neck? because the strings are pretty high, and i would like to get them a bit down, so I can play chords etc. 

- I have also installed a piezo, bit i get this "buzzing" tone all the time.. 

I hope you can help me. 

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  • btw. the buzzing sound from the piezo disappears when i put my finger on the JACK-OUTPUT.?

    • Bad solder joints, re solder this will go away. 

    • Youve got a bad ground......The ground post on the jack is the one going to the center. Thats where the black wire from piezo needs to go.

      Bass saddle could work but may be a little too big, check out my page and take a look at those bridges (;

    • Also, hot glue is the best to use for piezos, in my opinion.

  • I have now adjusted a couple of things on the bridge and nut, and it worked! so thanks!

    And I will rewire and Re-solder the piezo again, hopefully that will help aswell. 

    I will post pictures of my guitar as soon as it is done.. 

    I am looking for parts for my next CBG, and I was wondering, Can you use a BASS Saddel for a 4 string? 

  • Like Oily says, if you can post some pics of the nut, bridge/saddle and string height, we can probably help you out.

  • Mikkel,

    1) Check your bridge, saddle and nut heights. They are probably too high for anything but slide.
    2) Check your soldering very carefully, and look for broken or insufficiently anchored wiring at all points.

    More details, such as high quality pics of the problem areas would help with the diagnosis.
    • Yes to both recomendations.

      Solder joints will give you many headaches, they may look OK but still not be connecting well enough. 

      Less tension, you could tune down a note or two, but lowering the strings at the nut, then bridge is a better option

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