
  • Late monday night Colorado was hit by the worst quake its seen sinced 1967. Bad aftershocks are ongoing. It started to the south on the border with New Mexico...
  • My brother said some people in the higher floors in his building in Dayton, OH felt it.
  • All family members and CBG's have been accounted for.

    One of my dogs has yet to calm down. Poor girl is truly stressed out.

    Been surprised at the damage reports in my area. Bridges and buildings with cracks reported. 

    Fun times. 



    Sitting in my recliner when it started to vibrate, woundered wtf. 

    Cats slept thru it.

  • Yea, I was in my living room, the chandelier started swinging, the whole house was creaking back and forth, you could see the walls trembling, the dishes were clanking in the pantry. The whole thing only lasted about 10-15 seconds.
  • Yeah, I am waiting for southern California (where I live) to get clobbered, as it seems that there is an increase in seismic activity world wide.  When it does happen it will be ugly. I'll be loading up the truck and getting out of Dodge real quick, because with the economy in the toilet, and general negative crap in this State I do not believe there will be a recovery and it will make katrina look like a cake walk. The San Andreas Fault has been locked here in So. California for a long time, and it is just a matter of time before something gives.



  • Gee, I didn't feel a thing here in California. Stay alert for the aftershooks. A 5.8 can do a real number on those old, eastern, brick buildings.


    And I can confirm as a westcoast quake veteran -- the dogs do hear them coming.


  • Stay safe you guys .
  • Supposed to have been felt as south as Atlanta and as north as Ottawa and Michigan.
  • Yeah, just read that too. My dogs started going nuts 15 seconds before I felt anything. Wild stuff.
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