Double peizo's

       What is the upside of running to peizo's?  Does it make your cbg louder?  I have to crank my amp on the clean seting to hear my peizo.....I hot glued it and it helped on feedback A sounds good.....but I am cranking my amp to hear it.....I was just wondering if a nother peizo would help amp up the sound a bit.....if so.....are there any good wiring diagrams on here that shows a simple double peizo set volume knobs or nothing....just strait on double peizo's...

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  • I noticed my 2 year old answer and must update it.  I now use dual piezos in parallel and they work great (for piezos, if you don't like a piezo sound you never will) I prefer them mounted in the bridge. This seems to isolate them from most of the box noise and helps with feedback issues. I'm not the only one who does this so I can't be all wrong.

  • I don't understand all this talk about one or two piezo's. C.B. Gitty himself told me that for the best sound I should install at least eleven piezos in every guitar.

    • He gave you the twelfth one for free?
    • Kinda - he said that if I buy 12 packs of 11 He'll throw in a pack for free!

  • Good, but I would do the piezos in parallel. Series causes the impedence to double (additive). Parallel causes the impedence to half (division). Effect: MUCH better volume and tone:

    -WY Joker said:
    As far as wiring diagrams here is one that has been floating around since the first yahoo forum. If you do not want to install the volume and tone just wire the outputs straight to the jack

    • I know this is an old thread but can anyone tell me which of the 2 diagrams on wiring 2 piezo's is best? I'm thinking in series like the bottom pic by Moaning Mule would be the way to go maybe?

    • The bottom one is the way I normally do it - it should be labelled in parallel though (both positives together and both negatives together).  I normally don't bother with a tone pot on piezo discs as they don't do much to the sound.

    • Thanks David, I'll give that a lash.

  • As far as wiring diagrams here is one that has been floating around since the first yahoo forum. If you do not want to install the volume and tone just wire the outputs straight to the jack

  • I have not read all the posts so I may be repeating something but the double piezo's I have installed sounded pretty good. They do produce a "weaker" signal but that also cuts down on feedback. I have found that they give you a louder and more even sound when installed directly below the bridge. The biggest problem with piezo sound quality I have found is not in the piezo's but in what your plugging into. Most guitar amps are designed to amplify a signal from magnetic pickups. Plugging in a piezo into one is like plugging in a mic to a guitar amp- feedback problems. I have found if you plug a piezo through a mic input on a mixer first you can better adjust your output. I plug all mine through a mixer then to a powered PA speaker. Listen to the vid below for an example- the guitar and footstompers all have piezo's running through a mixer to a PA

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