Hello you all my friends,
...That 2nd edition is bigger than last year. To get informations, visit that site :
>>>>>>>>>>>> BSA-CBG-FESTIVAL <<<<<<<<<<<<
...If you want to perform or/and sell your guitars and cds or dvds, if you want to make demos or show your films, or for some questions, you can send an @mail :
>>>>>>>>>> BSA FESTIVAL CONTACT <<<<<<<<<
... Don't hesitate !... you are welcome...
... All will be installed and ready in the morning... free open stage, and concerts indoor all day and night long... power amps and lights will be ready too for you...
Last year, my friend TheoMojo and me thought it will be interesting to get each year a known cbg french festival free for all artists...where people will come to hear good blues rock music ! it's what we are preparing, programming a festival each first saturday of october... note it!
Les amis français et européens sont attendus aussi...
à bientôt... je pense que vous pouvez aussi écrire sur la page de TheoMojo ou sur la mienne! à bientôt...
...°<[:-) [---]==={...
A great BSA CBG Festival...
Thanks to everybody
Photos of the Festival
Ready for the Road! (-:
GREAT NEWS : MORE ARTISTS WILL COME, that fest day will be too short... help! LOL, CERTAINLY too short but we have all the night free for concerts and jams early in sunday morning!
§§§§§§ GREAT EVENT §§§§§§
all guest stars and more...
>>>> The slim Panatellas and mister Moon and Tom Dale
On a mission from BSA CBG Festival 2013...
Promotion at John O'Groats (Scotland / North Highlands)
hEY hEY hEY... soon at Boissy Sans Avoir !
Well done TheoMojo!
On a mission from BSA CBG Festival 2013...
Promotion at Argyll Hotel Ullapool (Scotland)