I Hate Fretting... There, I said it!

I am not sure what my problem is... according to most videos and articles I have read or seen fretting isn't supposed to be all that bad.  I have the PDF from Josh G (forget how to spell his last name), I bought and watched Red Dog's DVD (watched it a couple of times when it came to the part on fretting). I did the same with Bill Jehle's DVD. I watched Big Daddy's video series on YouTube (several times). I just cannot get a handle on fretting.

Now with Cigar Box Guitars most would say, "So! Go Fretless!".  I have done that, and still like doing that for certain guitars, but the truth of the matter is, I can't play slide all that great (although I am getting better), but I prefer to fret an instrument.  I can actually play something if I can fret it. It's what I am most used to.

Is there anyone else who can empathize/sympathize, and maybe has gotten past this?  I am to the point of looking for Luthier Classes somewhere, anywhere! (and sadly not finding any local to my area in NC).  I just need someone to hands on show me is the only thing I can think. I honestly do not know what I am doing wrong.  I am following all the tips and tricks I can find (for the most part, minus a few expensive tools).  I am almost at my wits end with fretting an instrument, yet there are so many more instruments (CBGs, Guitars, Basses, Canjos, Cookie Tin Builds, etc....) that I want to build.

So far, I have tried to fret roughly 10 guitar (one of them is for the 3rd time). Out of those, only half turned out okay (three turning out really well (one I used bobby pins for the frets) and the other two just okay)).  The other half were an awful mess that make no sense and piss me off to no end.     

Any ideas?

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  • Me too I just pay the $40 for a pre freted board

  • Brian,

    I used to be like you until I saw some you tubes by big daddy mojo (?)... and another on the Strumstick website.  I had it down on me that two relatively inexpensive power tools would cut time next nothing.  (Seriously, 15 min max to cut, fret and trim fret ends)

    Buy a small scroll saw and a desk top (4", although 6" is better) belt sander.  If you're a good garage sailor or Craigslister, you ought to be able to pick up the pair for $60-$100.

    A fine scroll blade is the perfect kerf for frets (a typical 21 fret CBG can be cut in 5 min.) and the belt sander can dress the installed frets in 3-5 minutes.  That leaves 5 minutes to mark the fret board.

    Sure your first will be slower going, but after a couple you'll be wondering what the fuss was about.

    the best,

    Wichita Sam

  • This home made jig is simply two pieces of aluminium tile edging screwed to a board.In the photo two fret boards are being cut,quick and easy no measuring or marking out.306498249?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024 

    • Looks really good Michael, are you just eyeballing the depth of cut?
    • Yes,keep the saw level and do the same number of strokes for each slot.

      You could place a strip of wood either side of the fingerboard to indicate the required depth or use a saw with a depth stop which I ain't got. 

    • Like your rig, Michael.  So many ways to get the same result.  That's what makes this fun for me.  On depth of cut, I go until the teeth disappear into the cut. I shine a light from the side and when it stops shining through, I stop. Works great, but your saw may be finer toothed. 

    • That wouldn't work for my saw

  • I love fretting!

  • maybe its just me, but all I do is mark the frets and then use an adhesive. If it is a uke I use tooth picks and if it is a guitar I use finishing nails. I have had no major problems. Time is the only setback. It could happen faster but I only build for enjoyment. There is a lot of stuff you can try, bobby pins, cotter pins, tooth picks. All work if you are patient enough. Hope this helps

  • I'm working on my first fretboard, I have 4 slots cut. I think I better make a miter box before I mess up .

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